So, with this in mind and to jolly up the mood again, I bring to your attention the Cardiff based six piece The School whose jingly-jangly Spectorish pop will put a smile on your face and erect a deckchair on the promenade beside your earside. The 'Let It Slip' E.P has a couple of sizzlers with the title track and 'I don't believe in Love' wafting over the patio all breathy, hand clappy and polka dotty. The two other tracks fall between the griddle and into the fire somewhat, but are still edible once you brush off the charcoally bits. 'Let It Slip' follows on from the first single 'All I Want To Do' which has a holding hands in the park vibe to it, though disconcertingly reminded me of Anita Dobson's 'Anyone Can Fall In Love' abomination at one point, but let's not hold that against it...
The School is reading the 'Jackie' problem page during lunch break, whilst munching on a bag full of fizz bombs and space dust, under the shady tree!
Hello Scratchy. Do you have an e-mail address. I work for MRC records and would like to send you a link to listen to the new Winterlight EP Mirrors, which isn't released yet, for some possible mention or something. If interested, please e-mail me: j.cooper@fouronthefloor.co.uk or bibop@fouronthefloor.co.uk
Scratchy can now be emailed at scratchybuckles@gmail.com. See the 'Contact Us' section in the sidebar for details.
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